Saturday, December 13

Reese is so funny!

I thought I would just share with everyone the weirdest thing we saw at the flea market in Mexico ( you always see the weirdest things there). If you click this picture larger, you will see a head coming out of the figure... yep that is a fertility idol. SO weird.....
Anyway, we have been so excited to get presents this Christmas for Reese, this is the first Christmas she can be excited for! She gets to meet santa for the first time, and I have a feeling she might be scared of him. Grandad think it's funny to growl at her and she gets so scared she either says, "I wanna mama!" or, my favorite, 
"I'm ok!" like she is trying to convince herself..... she is also obsessed with the "little people" figurines. Grammie can't resist spoiling her every other day when she finds those toys. Her day consists of climbing on mama while I'm trying to study, pushing her baby in her stroller, and lining up each and every one of her little people on the tv stand so they are facing the movie playing. If she bumps one out of place, she has to fix it perfectly. Then she talks to each one, telling them " don't cry, its ok!" She's so funny!